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2017-06-18 临时集体档案馆 定海桥 定海桥


This is an acting attempt for a sensorial archive, initiated by a temporary collective, of which the members encounter in a historical neighbourhood, to stir thoughts and actions by reflecting on: What is archive? What can archive do? Why to archive? How to archive? This Archive of Temporary Collective would take this acting performance as an opening for continuous exploration and an invitation to potential comrades to join us.

时间 Time: 19:00-20:30, 19/6/2017

地点 Venue: 上海市杨浦区定海港路252号


A Collaborative Attempt Presented by:

马狐 Marc Norbert HOERLER

赵伊人 Yiren ZHAO

朱恬骅 Tianhua ZHU

王艺盟 Yimeng WANG

嘉宾 Guest Discussant/Performer:

            丁博 Bruce DING

现场关键词提示 Key Words:

            诗歌 Poem

            沙土 Sand and clay

            园子 Garden




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